
Celiac Disease - Symptoms, Gluten Free Diet | Celiac बीमारी में भी जीएं हेल्दी लाइफ | Boldsky

2017-06-09 1 Dailymotion

Celiac Disease - is a auto immune disorder in which if you eat gluten food, it triggers an immune reaction that is not normal. Gluten is basically a type of protein generally found in grains wheat, barley etc...Damage to inner side of small intestine causes problem in absorption of nutrient from your food by body. Sounds critical??? Don't worry, we have our expert Nutritionist Neelakshi Tanima who will expalin how you can live healthy life with Celiac Diseases. Check out here symptoms and gluten free diet plan here in this video. And if you need more information on Celiac disease or Gluten Free diet, you can contact Neelakshi at: 08860791369 or you can write to her at [email protected].

जानिए कैसे आप Celiac बीमारी में भी भी एक हल्दी जीवन जी सकतें हैं | जानिए इस बीमारी में कैसे रखें अपना ख्याल